Ren Stanforth

Software Engineer

Ren Stanforth

Software Engineer


November 6, 2021 A Year After: Mouse – The Syndrome, and The Gear

A year ago, I experienced a problem with my hand that was very unpleasant. I had the mouse finger syndrome,…

August 28, 2021 I’m starting my podcast

Ever since the pandemic started I considered starting a podcast but doubt and fear took over me that’s why I…

August 21, 2021 My Virtual Reality Experience – Oculus Quest, Beat Saber

In October 2020, I bought the Oculus Quest, my very first virtual reality headset. I got the 128 GB version,…

October 18, 2020 Mouse – The Syndrome, and The Gear

On average, I spend 14 hours using the laptop(with external keyboard, and mouse) everyday. My usage is excessive because of…